Thursday, May 24, 2007

Writer's Block and Writing Tips

I recently discovered Nate Whitehill, who has lots of great information about blogging and, this particular post, overcoming writer’s block. There’s also a lovely exploration of why blogs fade away. The point is basically that people who start a blog to make money get rapidly discouraged when the cash doesn’t roll in from day one. Understanding that building up your portfolio is the first step to writing successfully doesn’t apply just to blogging, either. I think he’s going to be one to watch!

Then I ran across, of all things, this Writer’s Handbook from the University of Wisconsin. It contains not only common punctuation tips but a complete guide (focused on college-type assignments) to writing from drafts to citing references. One of the best portions is section on writing clearly and concisely. That’s an issue on which I need to work, so I was doubly pleased to find it.




I think buiding a proper portfolio also means writing good and useful posts on your blog, like yours. That would be the first step towards attracting more visitors though equally important would be to let the world know about your blog. Do you agree




I completely agree! Writing something that is interesting and informative is hard, but it's also crucial to building an audience. Thanks for the comment.