Friday, May 11, 2007

And some thoughts on writing and blogging

I wandered across mskzalameda’s blog, whose post for today was about John Chow. Being me, I followed the breadcrumbs to this post about inspiring yourself to find blog topics.

These are all good ideas, not only for blogging but for finding article topics as well. If you’re suffering from writer’s block (or writer’s bore, which is when you just can’t muster enough interest in your current topic to write well), give these things a try to jump-start your creativity and flex your writing muscle. Not to mention that it’s a good example of linking to your own posts!

Since I already posted once today, I’m going to keep this short. But I may just check out Super Kevin Muldoon whose site Chow reviewed yesterday. That's exactly the reason Mr. Muldoon paid Mr. Chow to do the review!




hello! he he.. I just put you on my connection (links).. so are you ok with the deal? ;)



hi again! I just check your AC stories and they are cool. I think you are a good writer. and may I ask one question? how much do you ear from AC? thanks.. ;)



I give a frequent run-down on what I earn from where on my livejournal blog. I'm right at the $100 mark now (my next article will put me over) for 23 articles. That doesn't include the page view bonus, as I haven't actually gotten to payout on that yet.




John Chow's site is great. It is the first blog I read in the morning.

If you are interested in making money online check out It is an affiliate discussion site. Lots of post about different programs.
Good luck and nice blog.



On Associated Content the highest I've been paid is $15 for non-exclusive rights.

I like that AC is now also paying a bonus based on the number of page views your stories get. I'm looking forward to building a nice residual income stream.



hey I just saw your blog ibrutus.. its nice and informative.. can we exchange links too? do u have google ads?