Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sure, You Can Write, But Can You Market?

I’m not a huge fan of Technorati because I find it unreliable. However, I do like to check in from time to time on my “Watchlist”. That’s how I ran across How to Start a Freelance Career from Inkwell Editorial.

Don’t be intimidated by the long posts. They do go on for miles but the author generously sprinkles them with valuable nuggets. Much of the advice focuses on marketing and getting clients. This valuable information fills some gaps in my experience for you, my friends.

I would prefer to believe that great writing will draw clients through word of mouth, eliminating the pesky marketing requirement entirely. Then again, I would prefer to believe that the tooth fairy will bring my children money instead of my having to keep a buck or two in my sock drawer, just in case. My preferences don’t change reality, more’s the pity.

If you intend to make freelance writing your career, you will market yourself. You can do so directly, by pitching jobs to folks through on-line sites, or you can do so in the ways suggested at this blog. Either way you must put yourself out there to make money. Try Technorati, while you're at it.